A fully satisfying extreme experience!!
In alliance with the Campesino Training Center (CFC), of Sicuani in Cusco, we managed to transcend borders and implement the “Financial Literacy” project in the province of Espinar in Cusco.
Our deep social Compromiso prompted us to implement the “Financial Literacy” project with women from rural communities, the majority Quechua speakers, in the province of Espinar, at more than 4,000 meters above sea level and with thermal sensations that fluctuate between -12°C to 19°C; The Compromiso team’s effort is totally worth it!
The social reward for this effort is the appropriation by women of the methodology and the space that is generated to enhance their capabilities through the transfer of financial and social tools to a population that really needs them.
Tools that allow you to have a life project, with clear short, medium and long-term goals. And of course an economic future that allows you to satisfy the basic needs of your family. And a personal future as empowered women, with greater skills and social abilities that allow them to face difficulties with wisdom and strength.