Our qualified staff, financial advisors who are part of our technical team, are responsible for transmitting this information, through educational workshops according to your needs, such as: Clear accounts, healthy debts, how to save, how much debt I can pay, how to calculate my profits, separate home money from business money, investment plan; and training on social issues such as self-esteem, violence prevention, among others.
As a result, more and more beneficiaries have the power to make intelligent decisions to improve their economic status and have solid self-esteem to empower themselves and support their family.
As a result, more and more beneficiaries have the power to make intelligent decisions to improve their economic status and have solid self-esteem to empower themselves and support their family.
Through different adult education tools we seek to develop skills and knowledge to strengthen communication and negotiation capabilities, necessary to promote the empowerment and financial and social autonomy of the women of Loreto.
Currently, 30% of women who are part of our program have knowledge and skills that allow them to make better decisions about how and in what to invest their working capital in order to achieve their short and medium-term financial objectives.
Currently, 30% of women who are part of our program have knowledge and skills that allow them to make better decisions about how and in what to invest their working capital in order to achieve their short and medium-term financial objectives.